If You wish You can CLIPBOARD the following HTML direct from the screen. This is done in the tradition of WYSIWYG, What You See Is What You Get. You only need to add Your own URL's ( Uniform Resource Location's ) and Your own TEXT. START with locating Your cursor UNDER the -START-sign, then SELECT until the -STOP-sign and COPY the selected area into Your clipboard. The first example is the MINIMUM to make a HomePage: -START-



COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! The best advice I can give You is to SAVE THIS AS ASCII-TEXT! At least You can applicate it! But what do You applicate in this example? Let us take a look at the parts that I expect You to fill in: PAGENAME and YOURTEXT. If You omit PAGENAME a browser will pick the FILENAME on the fly out of Your directory. Then this will appear as a header at the top of the screen and looks like this: methode://dom.ain.name/directory/filename This comes in handy if You have a lot of files on the Internet. You always know where You are. If that is what You want, then it is ok. But if You make pages for people to see, it is problable more in Your interest to give it an intuitive title what looks like this: My First Home Page. Even the period is then placed at the top of the screen. Please try to use a name with at maximum 32 characters, more looks a little odd. It is not a must, just a Good Working Habit, shortened: GWH. This part of the HTML-document is called the HEAD. After this opening comes the BODY. That command does a lot for how Your document goes to appear on screen. In the example however it only separates the HEAD from the BODY. The BODY is then divided into sections using the P-command and are called PAGEBREAKS. This is like a typewriter pushed to a new rule. After a P You can put YOURTEXT. Edited text is useless because the browser will put every word after the previous word until the width of the screen is reached and then it goes to the next line and so on. Of course You may put a P after each character You want, no problem. Except when You are ready. Then there comes something very important: You need to close all Your given commands in Your document. That is done by using the same commands but then with a / before the command. With the P command it is especially neccessary at the end of a page. GWH: Always as last command of a page write a /P! Do that and a browser will not do things You do not want to happend. Then You close the BODY with /BODY. Finally You close the whole page with /HTML. SAVE it under the filename and point You like with the extension: HTM for DOS- or HTML for MAC-machines. If You use this the first time and You did not have a HomePage before: The server will problable ask You to make some HTML-file as above and to name it INDEX.HTM or INDEX.HTML. It will be stored in Your main Internet directory. This is then the file You access if You type such an URL: methode://dom.ain.name/~yourname/ and see for Yourself; You may omit the FILENAME in this case however this could mean that You are send to a file with the extension HTML and You maby want the file ending with HTM! To make it worse: You never know! That is why the whole name, officially called: FQURL, need to be filled in. GWH. Do not forget it to mention if You give somebody an URL. If there is no INDEX.HTML or HTM, the browser makes a list of all the files in Your main Internet directory on the fly. The same if You access subdirectory's without an INDEX.HTML or HTM. But finally You load it up to Your server. So every browser in the world can show it on the screen! But problable You want more... Ok..! Color? I think so, because now Your text is black on a grey background. That is a job for BODY. By adding a few tags to the command You achieve: Color! And more..! -START-

<BODY BGCOLOR="#AA00FF" TEXT="#FF00AA" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#0000FF"> <P>


COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! The difference between this and the example You started with are 5 tags in the first and only BODY command. By default the colors are: BGCOLOR=grey, TEXT=black, LINK=blue, ALINK=red and VLINK=purple. Always start with the BGCOLOR tag, what makes the BackGroundCOLOR. The # sign tells the browser to expect numerical input. Your browser expects the RGB format: You choose the color by using 3 pair of hexadecimal numbers from 0 to 255: R means Red, G stands for Green and the B is for Blue, and every color can be adjusted from 0: no light to FF (255): maximum light emmission. Then the TEXT, LINK, ALINK and VLINK tags are adjusted the same way in the only BODY command in a file. The TEXT tag is for the color of the text of course. LINK the color for an anchor in Your document, a button. Press the button and You go where the anchor is pointing to. To confirm that You pressed it, ALINK flashes another color to let You know it is Active. Finally if You decided to come back VLINK colors the link You have accessed again different as Visited. Of course, knowing this You can chanche this behavior by making all the LINK colors the same. But where are those links? You see the A HREF command, it is below -YOURTEXT-. If You use this on a server it will give an error message when You activate it. Fill in a FQURL there. You can steer the browser now to another document You wrote. Or to a document from somebody else. In that case You can return to the document You started from by pushing the standard button BACK that every browser have. Or even to a place within the same document. How is that done? Look at the second A HREF: The difference with the first is that direct after FQURL a #name tag is placed. That is not a FQURL but an example! It is not working yet because the browser still needs to know where You expect it to go. That is done with the command: A NAME="NAME"-YOURTEXT-/A on the spot where You want the browser jumping to. Again You go back to Your starting point with the BACK button. You can also use this to access a certain part of another file if it has an A NAME command in it. Perhaps You want to give it a nice finishing touch with a photograph. I assume You have it scanned and stored on a disk somehow already and uploaded it to Your server. -START-

<BODY BGCOLOR="#AA00FF" TEXT="#FF00AA" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#0000FF">


COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! The FQURL for an IMG SRC command must be pointing to a file with an image format like GIF or JPG. The WIDTH and HEIGHT tags ensure that the browser not automatically resizes Your picture. The ALT tag must be placed ( GWH ) in case someone uses a textbrowser. In that case the browser writes the ALTernative text on the screen. Now You have enough to start building. Use Your imagination to figure out what You want to build. For example You can combine an A HREF command with as LINKTEXT the IMG SRC command! How will this appear? Look for Yourself: -START-

<BODY BGCOLOR="#AA00FF" TEXT="#FF00AA" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#0000FF">


COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! As You can see the /A comnand is put after the IMG SRC command. When You try this You find out that the image You choose is function as a button. Are You satisfied with this lay-out now? No,.. I do not think so... There can be done a lot with the typographic. The size of the characters can be chanched with these commands: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. The H1 command gives the biggest character, H6 is the smallest. Now are the characters standard. To change that use the commands: BLOCKQUOTE, CITE, EM, STRONG. With BLOCKQUOTE Your text will be written in italic type characters. The same applys to EM. With CITE and STRONG Your text is written in bold type characters. GWH: Never put 2 H commands after each other, even not a /H after a H! Put always a different command in between, opening or closing. The only command that You may use in such a case is a HR command. It makes a Horizontal Rule in Your document or use a BR what only makes a BReak. Both function as a P command. They have no closing command. Ok, there are a lot more commands. I only teach You the most useful to get Your job done the right way. This is then my interpretation of how this document should be written: -START-

<BODY BGCOLOR="#AA00FF" TEXT="#FF00AA" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#0000FF">
<H1> -YOURTEXT- </H1><P>
<H2> <A HREF="FQURL"> -LINKTEXT-</A> </H2><P>
<H4> <A NAME="NAME">
<H5>Here is an Image. </H5><P>
<H6>Here is the Image Button. </H6><P>
The End?</H1><BR> <H6>Almost!</H6> <HR> </P></BODY>


COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! Are You ready to rock and roll now? Yes, technically if You clipboarded one of these programs, filled in the URL's and TEXT, saved it, You are! That what You have is called the SOURCE HTML DOCUMENT. It simply works. But can You make it a good structured logic document? Something You can show a programmer? Yes, the finishing touch, very well! Therefore You put the following in Your document, at the top below OR at the end above the HTML command: and then this is the final document: -START-

<HTML><HEAD> <!--HULPROG1.HTM written by:
Rdr.Dhr. Ilja Ruben Witsel © 1995
New version: © Sunday 03 March 1996 23:00
Declaration variables: none
Purpose of program:
To make it possible to clipboard
an instant HomePage direct from
the screen and use it for Yourself!-->
<BODY BGCOLOR="#AA00FF" TEXT="#FF00AA" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#0000FF">
<H1>-YOURTEXT- </H1><P>
<H2> <A HREF="FQURL"> -LINKTEXT-</A> </H2><P>
<H4> <A NAME="NAME">
<H5>Here is an Image. </H5><P>
<H6>Here is the Image Button. </H6><P>
The End?</H1><BR> <H6>Almost!</H6> <HR> </P></BODY>


COPY THIS TEXT INTO YOUR CLIPBOARD! The whole meaning of this is to give another programmer an idea of what You intended to do. If You want to do it absolute logically structured: Start with the name and type of the file, TimeStamp ( Date and Time ) the file is made and declare all variables You use. Finally describe the function of the document. You are allowed to put it at the TOP of Your document, but most common place is in the HEAD between HEAD and TITLE. Make it as brief as You can because it cost time to load. Even when You put Your comments at the end of the document after the /HTML command! Ok, here comes my last lecture: In a HTML document You may not use 5 signs because they have a function: the ampersand-, the greaterthen-, the littlerthen-, the quotationmark- signs. But You just have them copyed from the screen, how did I do that? I used the PRE and /PRE command to put the explaining text between it. To let You clipboard the source I used " for ", > for >, < for < and for & that I did not used exist & for &. Satisfied?

Web Developer's Virtual Library: HTML

I want to write EMAIL